Sociology and Psychosocial Studies
Degree (and type) of the programme: Ph.D. Programme
Duration: 3 years (6 semesters), 180 ECTS
Mode of study: Part-time studies
Place of studies: Nova Gorica and Ljubljana
Title gained: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Are you ambitious and want to achieve something important?
Are you a thoughtful, innovative person and want to discover something new?
Diverse social development, significant changes, the explosion of information and other social challenges are perfect research tasks for ambitious and inquisitive individuals who enjoy working independently and are sufficiently engaged to carry out work assignments holistically with high quality and integrity. Ph.D. Programme in Sociology provides students the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts, and the ability to independently develop new knowledge and solve the most challenging problems with testing, improving the existing, and discovering new solutions for management of highly complex operation systems and scientific research projects from a wide range of professional or scientific fields, and to develop critical reflection.
The Ph.D. programme is therefore designed for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge in a specific field and phenomena, and to acquire the title Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), which increases their reputation in the society. It allows you to truly take advantage and upgrade your intellectual potential, master research work, express your creativity, and look for innovative social solutions.
The first year of Ph.D. study programme in Sociology and Psychosocial Studies is open to anyone who meets at least one of the following criteria:
- Graduates of the second cycle study programme (according to the Bologna system) who have obtained at least 300 ECTS (according to the Bologna system) in the first and second cycle or in uniform master’s studies;
- Graduates of the previous (old, i.e. prior to the Bologna system) undergraduate university study programme (univerzitetni program);
- Graduates of the second cycle study programme (according to the Bologna system) who have also completed the previous higher education programme (prior to the Bologna system), and have also completed at least five years of studies.
SASS may limit the enrolment, if the number of applicants significantly exceeds the number of vacancies. In case of limited enrolment, the candidates will be selected according to their average grade of master’s degree studies without the grade of their master’s thesis (or the average grade of the last two years of study in case of a uniform master’s studies), and according to the grade of the master’s thesis. Each of the these two criteria is of equal importance. In the event that master’s degree studies did not include the master’s thesis or it was not assessed, the average grade of the master’s studies is counted as the only criterion.
Enrolment directly in the second year is possible if the candidate obtains at least 45 credits (ECTS) from the first study programme, where at least half of them relate to acquired competences and learning outcomes that are comparable to the competences or learning outcomes of compulsory courses of the second study programme.
Enrolment directly in the third year is possible if the candidate obtains at least 105 credits (ECTS) from the first study programme, where at least half of them relate to acquired competences and learning outcomes that are comparable to the competences or learning outcomes of compulsory courses of the second study programme.
According to these criteria, there are following additional requirements for direct enrolments in the higher year of study:
– Prior submission of the disposition of the doctoral dissertation in the first or second study programme for direct enrolment in the second year;
– Prior confirmation of the disposition of the doctoral dissertation in the first or second study programme is required for direct enrolment in the third year;
In accordance with Article 16, indent 3 of the Act on Amendments to the Higher education, (UL RS 94/06) obligations in the range of 60 credit points (ECTS) are recognized to graduates of previous (old, ie before the Bologna system) study programmes for obtaining a Master’s degree or specialization after completing the study programme for obtaining a university degree in a doctoral study programme of the third level. On this basis, candidates enrol directly in the second year, and must submit the disposition of their doctoral dissertation by the end of the first semester of that year.
Differential exams are additionally payable (check the price list), and they should be paid before registering for the exam. DIFFERENTIAL EXAMS MUST BE TAKEN BEFORE ENROLLMENT!
Enrollment information and application deadlines for the academic year 2025/26 are published on the link.
For more information contact Students office:
Phone: +38659073461
You can also visit our staff in person at the address Gregorčičeva ulica 19 in Nova Gorica, every Monday and Wednesday from 9.00 am to 11.00 am and every Tuesday and Thursday from 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
Tuition fee: 3.099.00 EUR per year.
Terms of payment: Tuition fee can be paid as a single payment or in instalments (from 1 to 5 instalments) with the following due dates: at the time of enrolment; at the latest on 30.11.; at the latest on 31.1.; at the latest on 31.3.; at the latest on 31.5. of the current academic year. In the case of payment of tuition fees in installments, an increased tuition fee is charged for each installment in the amount of the administrative cost of processing the installment payment, which amounts to EUR 30.00.
* only for citizens of EU, citizens of other countries can only pay in one instalment.
**Payment in installments is possible for citizens from Slovenia and other EU Member States and EEA members. Foreigners from non-EU and non-EEA countries must pay the whole tuition fee by the time of the enrollment. In case of payment of tuition fee in installments, the administrative costs of processing the installment payment in the amount of EUR 30.00 will be charged for each installment.
Independent study is the central form of study at the doctoral level. Independent work includes the individual study of literature, the preparation and presentation of individual assignments, the research work of students in research programs that take place within the framework of the faculty, and especially the preparation of a doctoral disposition and dissertation. This way of working enables the student to develop his own creative potential to the greatest extent possible. The mentor guides the student through the study process, encourages him to integrate into the faculty’s teaching and research environment. The mentor helps the student organize his studies, which means that he accompanies him during his studies and directs his work. He advises on the selection of appropriate research methodology and relevant literature. He/She helps in preparing the design of the dissertation, planning the methodology of the research work, choosing sources and literature, and judging when the doctoral dissertation is ready for the defense.
Study schedule: Doctoral studies take place in the form of doctoral academic colloquiums, which usually take place at the end of the week (usually Friday and Saturday). Lectures/seminars take place in lecture rooms in Ljubljana, usually between 10.00 and 19.00 (depending on the subject). Other contact hours take place through ICT means.
* In exceptional cases (medical emergencies, illness, etc.) we reserve the right to make minor changes.
**In case there are not enough first-time enrolled students at the part-time study location, as specified in the enrollment notice, the faculty may decide to conduct the study in the form of consultations or not to conduct the study.
Organisation of studies: lectures/seminars are held in English, if there is at least 1 foreign student present in the lecture room.
The schedule and materials are available via Web office (spletni referat) or online classroom after the candidate is registered.
By purchasing the STUDY+ package, in addition to the friendly staff at the faculty who are always ready to support you in your studies, you will receive the following benefits or services that will be of great help to you: the possibility of direct participation in most lectures and tutorials via ICT resources (Zoom); the possibility of viewing recordings of most lectures and tutorials throughout the year; the possibility of taking exams via ICT tools (Zoom or Moodle online classroom). The package costs 449eur* (*per academic year) and is ordered and paid in a one-time amount upon enrollment or at any time during the year.
The Ph.D. programme is primarily individual with a small portion of organized study work, which comprises of four exams in the first year.
Study field of Sociology
1. semester |
2. september |
Sociological Theories |
10 |
– |
Methods of Triangulation | 15 | – |
Seminar for Disposition |
– |
15 |
Elective Theoretical Course | – | 15 |
30 |
30 |
The second year is entirely intended for individual research work for the purpose of preparing doctoral dissertation with the assistance of the selected supervisor and possibly a co-supervisor. The second year is common to both study fields.
COURSE | 1. semester | 2. semester |
Individual Work on Dissertation 1 | 30 | – |
Individual Work on Dissertation 2 | – | 30 |
TOGETHER | 30 | 30 |
COURSE | 1. semester |
2. semester |
Dissertation Seminar |
15 |
– |
Preparation of Doctoral Dissertation |
15 |
– |
Finalization and Defense of Doctoral Dissertation | – | 30 |
30 |
30 |
The selection of theoretical in-depth knowledge, which will be selected by the student as an elective unit, primarily depends on his/her selection of doctoral dissertation topic. In this sense, SASS offers two options:
– Candidate can choose one of the elective course at SASS the closest, or
– Candidate can choose the equivalent theoretical content at another relevant domestic or foreign accredited higher education institution.
Contemporary Theories in Economic Sociology | 15 |
Contemporary Theories in Political Sociology | 15 |
Contemporary Theories in Sociology of Culture | 15 |
European Union Studies | 15 |
*Students choose one course.
The (new) curriculum includes changes to the study programme adopted at the Senate session that took place on the 28th of January 2022. The new curriculum is valid for all the students enrolled. The previous curriculums of the study programme are not valid anymore (PREVIOUS CURRICULUM valid till 2019/20; PREVIOUS CURRICULUM valid till 2023/24).
Study Field of Psychosocial studies
The first year includes the mandatory methodological, the mandatory theoretical and elective theoretical course as well as a seminar for the preparation of disposition of doctoral dissertation. The latter subject is common to both study fields. The first year is completed with the confirmed doctoral dissertation topic and submitted disposition of the doctoral dissertation.
COURSE | 1. semester | 2. september |
Theories and Concepts of Psychosocial Studies | 15 | – |
Methods of Triangulation in Psychosocial Studies | 15 | – |
Seminar for Disposition | – | 15 |
Elective Theoretical Course | – | 15 |
TOGETHER | 30 | 30 |
The second year is entirely intended for individual research work for the purpose of preparing doctoral dissertation with the assistance of the selected supervisor and possibly a co-supervisor. The second year is common to both study fields.
COURSE | 1. semester | 2. semester |
Individual Work on Dissertation 1 | 30 | – |
Individual Work on Dissertation 2 | – | 30 |
TOGETHER | 30 | 30 |
The third year allows the candidate, to address critical responses to his/her draft of dissertation obtained at the Dissertation Seminar and to correct, complete, finalize and defend his/her doctoral dissertation, taking into account relevant suggestions. The third year is common to both study fields.
COURSE | 1. semester | 2. semester |
Dissertation Seminar | 15 | – |
Preparation of Doctoral Dissertation | 15 | – |
Finalization and Defense of Doctoral Dissertation | – | 30 |
TOGETHER | 30 | 30 |
The selection of theoretical in-depth knowledge, which will be selected by the student as an elective unit, primarily depends on his/her selection of doctoral dissertation topic. In this sense, SASS offers two options:
– Candidate can choose one of the elective course at SASS the closest, or
– Candidate can choose the equivalent theoretical content at another relevant domestic or foreign accredited higher education institution.
*Students choose one course.
The (new) curriculum includes changes to the study programme adopted at the Senate session that took place on the 28th of January 2022.
- ECTS – European Credit Transfer System
The study programme consists of a methodological course that provides students with knowledge of contemporary qualitative and quantitative research methods (and modes of combining them in research work) as well as a mandatory and an elective theoretical course. In addition, students attend two doctoral seminars: a Seminar for Disposition, where students present the starting points of their doctoral dissertation; and a Dissertation Seminar where students present the preliminary findings of their doctoral dissertation. The majority of work on the preparation of the doctoral dissertation consists of individual research work with the assistance and cooperation of the selected supervisor (and potential co-supervisor).
The study field of Sociology is designed to allow students to focus on one of three sociological sub-disciplines: Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, and Sociology of Culture. Namely, these are subdisciplines that cover three of the most important and developmentally most relevant sub-fields: politics (guiding society and achieving goals), economy (providing resources) and culture (values and behavioral foundations for action). Thus, in addition to methodological knowledge, students acquire current knowledge necessary for theoretical reasoning of the nature and dynamics of these three areas. In addition to the sociological knowledge and content which is at the forefront, students acquire knowledge from other disciplines (political science, economy, culturology) that touch on these areas.
The study field of Psychosocial Studies is focused on scientific research of the interactive correlation between psychological and social systems and social conditions for the promotion and maintenance of mental health. The study field allows students to focus on one of the following areas: stress and trauma, psychosocial crises and relieving processes, human dysfunction in mental health, social cognition and perception, selected chapters of cognitive-behavioral approaches.
Knowledge assessment is part of the study process of teaching and learning, and it takes place during the course of the study process and after the completion of the individual courses of the study programme. At the same time, students are expected to pass ongoing activities. The intention and objective of knowledge assessment is to acquire regular and quality information about how students are achieving the planned general and course-specific competences, and obtain information on the achievement of the goals of the study programme.
The method of knowledge assessment and grading is determined for each individual course and specified in its syllabus. They are adjusted to verify the achieved objectives at individual courses, anticipated achievements of the study, and development of general and subject-specific competencies. Methods of knowledge assessment and grading vary because of different teaching methods, which ensure criteria of validity, reliability and objectivity, but also take into account the quality of the structure and organization of knowledge.
The purpose of knowledge assessment is to:
- Assess knowledge and skills of students,
- Assess output produced in the course of the study work,
- Offer quality feedback on the progress and achieved results, aiming to motivate students to acquire additional knowledge and skills,
- Enable integration into continuing education, and
- Obtain data for the evaluation of conducted pedagogical work.
Criteria for knowledge assessment is based on the objectives of the study programme and anticipated achievements of students, identified in individual syllabuses. Students are informed about elements of knowledge assessment and grading criteria in written form, as part of curriculum, and at the start of each course (at the beginning of each semester). Moreover, higher education lecturer informs students on the syllabus of the course, study obligations, shares of individual components of knowledge assessment that contribute to the final grade at the course, and relevant literature.
Anticipated methods of knowledge assessment and grading are:
- Oral exams,
- Written exams,
- Research assignments,
- Oral presentations of research work and findings,
- Solving real problems (case studies),
- Projects, peer reviews,
- Doctoral dissertation.
Faster progress
Student who achieves the required number of credit points (ETCS) necessary to progress to the next year in the period shorter than one academic year, is enabled to make faster progress. The related decision is adopted by the Committee for Study and Student Affairs upon candidate’s request. The decision determines the mode of faster progress. Faster progress allows students to register and pass the courses for the higher years. The courses can be also passed within another organized education. Based upon the request of the candidate, the Committee for Study and Student Affairs may also decide on early completion of the studies.
Recognition of study obligations
Student who has previously studied in another study programme of the same or higher level at a higher education institution in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad may, prior to the start of studies or during studies, apply for the recognition of exams which are equivalent (in content and scope) to those exams that he/she already passed. SASS many also recognize the knowledge that corresponds to the learning contents of the courses in the enrolled study programme, and has been acquired in different forms of education. Recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to the enrolment is decided by the course holder upon a written request of the student (completed form), attached certificates or other documents proving the successfully acquired knowledge as well as the content and scope of this knowledge and the student’s input. The exam may be recognized in full, in part or is not recognized. The commission for Study and Student affairs decides on the recognition of elective courses that are not implemented at the faculty.
To progress from the first to the second year of studies, students must obtain at least 30 credits (ECTS) from the first year, submit the topic application on the form OBR-SASS-010, that is approved by the Commission for Science and Research Activities (hereinafter KZRD), and submit the disposition of the doctoral dissertation, which is proven with the signature of the supervisor on the form OBR-SASS-011.
Conditions to progress from the second to the third year are to complete all obligations of the first year in the range of 60 ECTS, to complete individual work of the second year in the range of 60 ECTS, which is assessed on the basis of the supervisor’s opinion, and complete the disposition of the doctoral dissertation which is confirmed by the SASS Senate.
Student status ends:
- a student who completes a third-cycle study program,
- if the student does not complete the postgraduate study of the third level within the appropriate period prescribed by the statute,
- if he/she does not enroll in the next year or semester during his studies,
- if he/she withdraws,
- if it has been excluded.
Seniority (absolventski staž), or an additional year, is a term that applies to the time after the end of the last semester, when the student may retain his/her status, if he/she did not graduate. The student asserts this right by enrolling into additional year or the Seniority. The student may use this right only immediately after finishing the last semester, provided that:
- He/she does not graduate at the study programme of the third level within 12 months after the end of the last semester (unless the student repeated the year during the study or changed the study programme or module – then his/her status is ceased at the end of the last semester).
Students of doctoral study programme in Sociology and Psychosocial Studies will acquire the following general competencies:
- the ability to autonomously identify a given research problem, perform analysis and provide possible solutions;
- highly autonomous creation of new knowledge, which represents a relevant contribution to the development of science;
- the ability to contribute to the creation of top knowledge in the field of sociology or psychosocial studies;
- the ability to master standard methods, procedures and processes of research in the field of sociology or psychosocial studies;
- the ability of independent research and developmental work to create, interpret and find answers to abstract and most complex questions in science and profession;
- understanding the importance of quality, and striving for quality professional work through autonomy, (self-) criticism, (self-) reflexivity, and (self-) evaluation in the professional work;
- the ability to transfer knowledge between profession and science in critical dialogue;
- commitment to professional ethics, which includes a highly developed ability to assess the consequences of the application of new knowledge in various contexts responsibly;
- the ability to highly autonomous design and implementation of original scientific solutions to given social problems;
- the ability of a complex systemic view of society and an interdisciplinary approach, which manifests itself as an understanding of the general structure of the social sciences and the connections between their individual disciplines and subdisciplines;
- the ability for interdisciplinary scientific and professional dialogue and cooperation with other professional profiles in the social sciences and beyond;
- the ability to present the obtained scientific results in the form of publications in international scientific journals.
As part of the doctoral study in Sociology and Psychosocial Studies, study field of Sociology, students will acquire the following subject-specific competencies:
- the ability to autonomously solve concrete research problems, including the most complex issues, in the various fields of sociology and its related disciplines;
- development of abilities and skills to apply knowledge for research in the field of sociology and related disciplines;
- the ability to innovatively use and independently combine research empirical sociological methods and methods of its related disciplines (triangulation methods and mixed approaches);
- the ability to operationalize abstract theoretical concepts at the advanced level;
- the capacity of sampling in the field of qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods;
- mastering of the most demanding methodological challenges;
- the ability to complexly acquire, select, evaluate and situate new knowledge and the ability to interpret it in the context of sociology (and social science in general), including the top-level;
- the ability to prepare and carry out comparative research and to participate in teams conducting comparative research;
- the ability to reflect critically and apply knowledge in the field of economic sociology or sociology of culture;
- the ability to create autonomously, interpret and search for answers to the most complex issues in the field of political sociology or economic sociology or sociology of culture;
- the ability for in-depth analysis of economic processes in contemporary societies;
- knowledge of key theoretical approaches and research strategies in the context of economic sociology;
- understanding overlaps and differences between economic sociology and related sub-disciplines (socioeconomics, political economy, institutional economics);
- understanding the concept of embeddedness and the actions of economic actors in the context of the social structures;
- knowledge of and proper evaluation of the non-economic impacts on the economic processes;
- the ability to analyze political processes in contemporary society;
- knowledge of the characteristics of multi-level governance;
- understanding the developmental role of the political system;
- understanding the essence of a democratic arrangement;
- the ability of analysis of cultural processes in contemporary society;
- understanding of emergence, reproduction, and change of religious, moral, legal, esthetic, scientific, technological, etc. meanings and symbols;
- understanding of the ways the meanings (symbols) find expression in human behavior and become materialized in cultural artifacts (spoken and written languages, paintings, sculptures, music, dances, buildings, social institutions, etc.);
- formulation of a research plan at the most advanced level and the ability to defend it;
- the ability to evaluate critically the research plans;
- the ability to present and defend research results at the highest level of complexity;
- the ability to critically evaluate research results at the highest level of complexity.
As part of the doctoral study in Sociology and Psychosocial Studies, study field of Psychosocial Studies, students will acquire the following subject-specific competencies:
- the ability to argue and implement science-based practice;
- the development of abilities and skills to apply knowledge for research in the field of the research and related disciplines;
- the ability to prepare and carry out comparative research and to participate in teams conducting comparative research;
- the capacity of sampling in the field of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods;
- mastering of the most demanding methodological challenges;
- the ability to operationalize abstract theoretical concepts at the advanced level;
- formulation of a research plan at the most advanced level and the ability to defend it;
- the ability to evaluate critically the research plans;
- the ability to apply innovatively and combine autonomously various research empirical methods of the research field and methods of related disciplines (methods of triangulation);
- development of skills and abilities in the application of knowledge in the research field of psychopathology;
- in-depth understanding of current theoretical assumptions of the occurrence and treatment of dysfunction in mental health;
- in-depth understanding of current theoretical assumptions and contemporary research on stress, trauma and psychophysiology;
- autonomous solving concrete research problems, including the most complex issues, in various areas of social cognition and perception;
- the ability to acquire, select, evaluate, critically reflect and place new complex knowledge as well as interpretate it in the context of social cognition and perception, including the highest level;
- in-depth knowledge and understanding of current theoretical cognitive-scientific findings from the relevant field at a higher level;
- the ability to autonomously solve concrete research problems, including the most complex issues, in various fields of psychosocial studies and related disciplines;
- development of skills and abilities in the application of knowledge in the research field of crisis intervention strategies;
- in-depth understanding of current theoretical assumptions of the occurrence and development of psychosocial crisis;
- in-depth knowledge and understanding of the influence of Stoic philosophy and Buddhism on the development of cognitive-behavioral approaches;
- the ability to critically assess key cognitive-behavioral approaches of the 3rd wave
In order to finish the studies, the student has to successfully complete all study obligations prescribed by the study programme, and prepare and successfully defend the doctoral dissertation. The student has to obtain all 180 credits (ECTS) prescribed by the study programme to complete the studies.
Upon completion of the study, the student receives a doctoral/Ph.D. Degree, which is a public document.
In accordance with the Professional and Scientific Titles Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 61/06), upon completion of studies, a student obtains a scientific title Doctor of Science with the abbreviation dr., which is placed before the first and last name. The Ph.D. degree also contains the scientific area, in which the title has been obtained – “in the field of Sociology” / “in the field of Psychosocial Studies”.
- In scientific research and higher education organizations in the field of social sciences, a doctoral/Ph.D. profile is self-evident, as the operational core of these organizations are expected to possess a high level of innovation, independence and leadership skills in research and development activities, and a superior ability to transfer knowledge, on one hand, to young researchers and students, and, on the other hand, to the economy and other relevant users.
- In public administration, local self-government, international institutions and non-governmental organizations, a doctoral/Ph.D. profile in sociology and psychosocial studies is competent to solve the most complex organizational, communication, personnel and other issues, where innovative solutions are needed, and are based on the application of the most complex theoretical knowledge. Both, expert advice at the level of the organization as well as consultancy at the levels that include individual aspects of directing the individual as well as society and its subsystems, at the micro and macro level, are relevant.
- In companies, particularly larger ones, the doctoral/Ph.D. profile in sociology is important for an independent expert and / or research work and / or for leading research or expert groups, especially in areas of demanding market research, public opinion research, more demanding public relations, the most complex organizational and personnel issues.
- Doctoral students in the field of psychosocial studies may, independently or by joining interdisciplinary teams, work in the field of preventive and curative activities aimed at mental health care, including research and evaluation of mental health status and measures at national and international level, as well as implementation and coordination of mental health programs. They may be involved in research, planning, development and monitoring of social and social protection policy and the development of the profession.