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Naslov projekta
INNO WISEs - Technologies, Competences and Social Innovation for Work Integration Social Enterprises
Trajanje projekta
1. 7. 2017 - 30. 6. 2020
Vodilni partner
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italija)
Interreg Central Europe
Opis * v angleščini:
SMEs in Central Europe currently face shortages of skilled labour force mainly in relation to the requirements posed by technological progress and economic innovation. This is particularly true for Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) as social SMEs working for the integration of disadvantaged groups. Even though they represent significant economic actors in Europe (engaging over 14.5 million paid employees), WISEs are in fact disadvantaged compared to traditional SMEs since they often suffer from technological gaps due to low investment levels and lack of necessary skills. The INNO-WISEs project will tackle these weaknesses by improving the capacity of WISEs to offer qualified jobs to disadvantaged groups, hence contributing to greater social cohesion. Through the implementation of an integrated approach (tackling all development needs of the sector from technology gaps to skills shortages), and through the production of specific outputs for the WISE sector (including a knowledge management framework, a flexible ICT platform, training programmes etc.), the project is expected to significantly change the entrepreneurial mind-set, skills and attitude of the sector by building and promoting a stronger culture of entrepreneurship and greater social innovation capacities. To reach this ambitious objective, INNO-WISEs has a strong and highly qualified transnational dimension, involving, as partners, key research and technological entities, a group of WISE consortia in Central Europe countries and the European Network of WISEs located in Belgium, which will be a key factor in the successful implementation of the project since it will determine the high applicability and transferability of its results.
INNO-WISEs will represent a ground-breaking project for the social economy sector since it will bring, adapt and make enterprises able to use technologies and skills which are currently out of their reach and which will represent a turning point for their development.
Vloga FUDŠ v projektu:
SASS will be the leader of WPT1-General context analysis which will be divided in two levels: a general one and a country/region specific one. SASS, thanks to its experience of management and research, will lead the partners in the general research and it will have also a leading role in the redaction of the Slovenian country/region specific study. In addition, SASS will have a role in the elaboration of the project strategies for improvement of the social enterprises working for the employment of disadvantaged groups. SASS will have an active role in all other key project activities by for example supporting Pilot project’s implementation in Slovenia and contributing to effective communication strategies (e.g. through specific scientific publications). The benefit for SASS will be to research in a transnational framework with relevant partners and to continue its activities linked to social entrepreneurship. Also, with participation in the project SASS will upgrade and strengthen its theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge and skills. Moreover, SASS will benefit from the project partnership in terms of exchanging knowledge, learning lessons and applying established contacts in further cooperation and research.In terms of EU co-financed projects SASS will gain new experiences and valuable knowledge in collaborating in the process of applying a project and following the implementation of it. No economic activity will be performed within the project or as a result of it.
FUDŠ ekipa, ki sodeluje na projektu
mag. Jasmina Jakomin
projektni koordinator
INNO WISEs promocijski video
Dogajanje na projektu
V Milanu se je 28. in 29. avgusta 2017 odvilo prvo projektno srečanje projekt skupine INNO-WISEs. INNO-WISEs je triletni projekt sofinanciran v okviru programa Interreg Central Europe v katerem sodeluje 12 projektnih partnerjev. FUDŠ sodeluje v projektu kot projektni partner odgovoren za izvedbo delovnega paketa v katerem se izvaja raziskava o inovativnih tehnologijah in menedžerskih veščinah v socialnih podjetjih, ki zaposlujejo težje zaposljive osebe. Raziskava, ki jo bomo izvedli na FUDŠ bo temelj za vse aktivnosti, ki se bodo izvajale v nadaljnjem poteku projekta in bo potekala v 4 državah (Slovenija, Italija, Hrvaška in Poljska). V projektu sodeluje tudi organizacija iz Belgije (Ensie), organizacija, ki združuje socialna podjetja na ravni Evrope. Na projektnem srečanju je dr. Tea Golob predstavila načrt izvedbe raziskovalnega dela na projektu. Vodja projektne pisarne Jasmina Jakomin pa je sodelovala v delu finančnega in komunikacijskega vodenja projekta.
The first work package within the project Technologies, Competences and Social Innovation for Work Integration Social Enterprises – INNO WISEs has come to an end. The activities and objectives of the WP1 – entitled Context Analysis Increasing Knowledge on WISEs Skills Shortages in the Central Europe area, have been successfully accomplished.
With the efforts of all project partners and stakeholders from all participating regions, School of Advanced Social Studies from Nova Gorica – SASS as the leader of the WP1, prepared the final Output – Regional Joint strategy to tackle WISEs technologic and management skills shortages in the long-run.
The strategy has defined the three joint strategic priorities, relevant for all regions included in the INNO-WISEs project, namely: (1) management of human resources; (2) marketing and communication; (3) confronting financial shortages.
These three joint priorities overlap with the two joint transversal issues, also clearly identified through the shortages and addressed through the objectives. They include: (1) strengthening of the entrepreneurial spirit of WISEs, both internally, among their management and employees and also externally – to co-create a general atmosphere supporting the idea that entrepreneurship can be at the same time committed both to the ideals of social solidarity and to market performance; (2) improving the WISEs knowledge of the available technologies, tools and related skills, to be able not only to follow but also to be engaged in the cutting age trends of applying ICT based tools and technologies in their operations; WISEs should be familiar with the tools that are already available to them, be able to decide, in which tools they should invest and be able to exploit them optimally.
As the targets of the INNO-WISEs project actions based on these joint strategic priorities and objectives, the strategy has identified: (1) focusing on micro and small size WISEs because they are typically less competitive, lack more skills and technologies, when compared to the bigger WISEs, and also because they are the most common WISEs type in some of the regions; (2) targeting the managerial and operational level, as they are those (especially in small and micro-sized WISEs) who guide the WISEs in the strategic decision making and in the every-day decision.
Regarding the implementation, Priority 1 and Priority 2 can be addressed: (1) either through the work with the existing ICT tools in terms of existing applications (for human resource management combined with workflow management) and/or ICT supported networks: (2) or through the development of new ICT solutions: (a) a new application adapted for WISEs specific needs and combining human resource management with workflow management and/or (b) a new web-portal connecting WISEs with their internal and external stakeholders, enabling them to present their stories, build their brands and raise social awareness among the general public; (3) in any case, open source solutions shall be provided.
Joint strategic priorities as derived from the commonly identified shortages and linked to the joint strategic objectives
More info available on this link.
Pripravili smo nova izobraževanja v okviru našega MOOC-a na temo “Poslovanje in WISE”! Delite in širite novice !!
Kaj je to?
– tečaj, prilagojen za WISE in socialna podjetja
– Inovativen način za izboljšanje vaših kompetenc, kadarkoli in kjer koli želite
– Kakovost vsebine za spodbujanje inovacij in razvoj poslovne in tržne strategije
– Svoje znanje boste lahko preverili s kvizi in samooceno
– Na koncu zaprosite za končni certifikat, da potrdi pridobljeno znanje! Ta možnost je na voljo do 18. oktobra!
Več informacij in registracije:
What is it?
– A course tailor made for WISEs and social enterprises
– An innovative way to improve your competences whenever and wherever you like
– Quality of content on fostering innovation and developing a business and marketing strategy
– You’ll be able to check your understanding through quizzes and self-assessment
– At the end, request your final certificate to validate your learning!
Zaključni dogodek projekta INNO WISEs je potekal 17. in 18. junija 2020 od 9h-17h preko spletne platforme ZOOM. Vabljeni, da preberete več informacij o dogodku.