14. slovenska družboslovna konferenca – »Vrnitev zgodovine? Nova soočanja s starimi družbenimi izzivi«
Razpis za prijavo na 14. slovensko družboslovno konferenco – »Vrnitev zgodovine? Nova soočanja s starimi družbenimi izzivi«
Nacionalni odbor programa za upravljanje z družbenimi spremembami MOST in Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije Nova Gorica, v sodelovanju s Slovenska družboslovna konferenca in Mrežo mladih sociologov ISA organizira 14. slovensko družboslovno konferenco na temo »Nazaj v zgodovino? Soočanje s ponovno nastajajočimi družbenimi izzivi za človeštvo«.
Zasedanje konference bo potekalo 17. in 18. junija 2022, preko spletne platforme Zoom.
Keynote speakers:
Prof. dr. Igor Jelen; Department of Economic and Political Geography, University of Trieste, IT
Prof. dr. Igor Jelen is a professor in economic and political geography at University Trieste, Italy. Since the 1990’s he spent much time in Central Asia, where he carried out fieldwork, investigating transition processes of those post-Soviet systems, with special concern for economic geography, infrastructure planning, territorial organization, “new Silk Road” and similar transport trans-continental routes projects.
Abstract, language, and submission: The organizers invite theoretically or empirically grounded papers on the above topics. Special consideration will be given to empirically grounded papers, either comparative or country-based. The language of the abstracts, the papers and the conference will be English. Abstracts should be no more than 400 words long. They should be accompanied by the name(s) of the author(s), his/her/their affiliation(s) and e-mail(s).
The processes of abstract submission and acceptance will be managed using the online platform. Please make sure you initially create an account for yourself on the conference platform and choose the status of Author in the process: http://conference.fuds.si/
Publication of the papers: Full papers based on the conference presentations submitted until July 18, 2022 (i.e. no more than one month after the conference) of acceptable quality will be published in an edited book or in an edited volume of an international scientific journal Research in Social Change – RSC (based on the topic and the author’s preferences). RSC is an international, peer-reviewed journal published by Sciendo that welcomes contributions for the 2022 volume. Interested conference participants can submit the prepared articles even before the conference following the instructions on the official RSC website. The accepted, peer-reviewed, papers will be published free of charge.
Organising institutions:
- Slovenian National Committee of the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST)
- School of Advanced Social Studies / Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici
- International Sociological Association: Junior Sociologists Network
- Slovenian Social Science Association
Important Deadlines:
Deadline for submitting paper proposals (max. 400 words) – April 29, 2022
Notification of paper acceptance – May 16, 2022
Deadline for registration – May 30, 2021
Conference Fees:
As the Conference shall take place online, no fees are required!
Conference venue: ON-LINE EVENT
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