Psychosocial Counselling (MA) - old version
First year enrolment
Psychosocial Counselling post-graduate study programme is open for enrolment for:
- students who concluded the first level study programme in appropriate professional field and received at least 180 ECTS as per the first point of Article 38a of the Higher Education Act (according to the Bologna system). The appropriate professional field applies for graduates from area 0313 as per the KLASIUS-P-16* classification, whereas the under-graduate study diploma may be acquired in Slovenia or abroad;
- students who concluded higher professional education study programme in the appropriate professional field, adopted before 11 June 2004 (before the Bologna system). The appropriate professional field applies to graduates from area 0313 as per the KLASIUS-P-16* classification, whereas the under-graduate study diploma may be acquired in Slovenia or abroad;
- students who concluded equal study programmes, indicated under previous points, in other professional fields, if additional study obligations are passed in accordance with the second point of Article 38a of the Higher Education Act, i.e. as per the following criteria:
Completed under-graduate study programme or wider area as per KLASIUS –P-16 classification | Additional study obligations | Number of credit points of additional study obligations | |||||||||||
| 11+6=17 | ||||||||||||
031 SOCIAL SCIENCES AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (except 0313 – psychology, 0311-economy) | 11+6+6=23 | ||||||||||||
| 11+6+6+6=29 | |||||||||||
090 Health care and social security, undefined 091 Health care 098 Interdisciplinary educational activities/outcomes, mostly health care and social security 099 Health care and social security, other
| General psychology 2 Sociology of social policy | 11+6+6+6+6=29 | |||||||||||
Other |
| 11+6+6+6+6=35 |
* Detailed area 0313 Psychology as per KLASIUS-P-16 Classification encompasses subject specific contents that refer to the study of the human mind and behaviour, conduct as a result of differences between individuals, their experience and the environment. This detailed area encompasses activities and outcomes of education and training with the main subject specific content: Cognitive science, Psychoanalysis, Psychology and Psychotherapy
Enrolment in a higher year (according to the criteria for transfers and under the conditions of faster promotion)
Second year enrolment:
In accordance with Article 6 of the Study Programme Transfer Criteria, adopted by the Council of the National Agency for Quality in Higher Education (NAKVIS criteria) on 18 November 2010, transfers are possible between programmes:
1. that ensure the acquisition of comparable competences at the end of studies, and
2. where the recognition criteria include at least half of obligations as per the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) from the first study programme, and which refer to the obligatory subjects from the other study programme.
In accordance with Article 7 of the NAKVIC criteria and based on the FUDS criteria, the following students may enrol direction in the second post-graduate master’s study programme Psychosocial Counselling:
- Candidates who acquired university education before the Bologna system and in the appropriate professional fields*. They are recognised 60 ECTS in accordance with Article 49 of the Act Amending the Higher Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 63/04).
- Candidates from other master study programmes in appropriate professional fields* which with regard to the recognised obligations fulfil the conditions for second year enrolment in the second cycle Psychosocial Counselling study programme.
The same conditions apply for candidates who concluded equal level education abroad.
Candidates who enrol directly in the second year, shall also pass the following first year study obligations:
– practical work 1 (9 ECTS), practical work 2 (14 ECTS) and Methods of selected psychotherapeutic approach 1 in total scope of 31 ECTS.
*Appropriate professional field – Detailed area 0313 Psychology as per KLASIUS-P-16 Classification encompasses subject specific contents that refer to the study of the human mind and behaviour, conduct as a result of differences between individuals, their experience and the environment. This detailed area encompasses activities and outcomes of education and training with the main subject specific content: Cognitive science, Psychoanalysis, Psychology and Psychotherapy.
Enrolment to this study programme is not possible anymore.
Price: 3.200,00 EUR for a year.
Master of Arts programme in Psychosocial Counselling is carried out as part-time studies. When carrying out part-time studies, at least one third of the organized study work stipulated by the programme is guaranteed. Part-time students on average realize 10 hours of organized study work in one week. The number of hours of organized study work (lectures, exercises, etc.) is lower than in the full-time study course, therefore, the part-time method of studies requires more independent work. A year shall be carried out in one academic year as a rule. It is divided into two semesters; this is a period when students attend lectures, exercises and other forms of organized work. Exams are usually held during examination periods (there are three examination periods – the winter, summer and autumn examination period) with a possible additional period.
Part-time studies will be conducted in the form of consultations, if less than 5 students enter a study year.
The schedule of lectures: Lectures and practices are organized in the afternoon hours in the dislocated unit in Ljubljana, Leskoškova 9e, during the weekdays, while in Nova Gorica lectures are being held on Friday afternoons and Saturdays all days long. The access to the schedule and materials is available via online portal after the candidate is registered.
NO. | COURSE | 1. semester | 2. semester |
ECTS | ECTS | ||
1. | 4 | – | |
2. | 6 | – | |
3. | Theoretical foundations of selected psychotherapeutic approach 1 | 6 | – |
4. | 5 | – | |
5. | 9 | – | |
6. | Theoretical foundations of selected psychotherapeutic approach 1 | – | 3 |
7. | – | 8 | |
8. | Elective subject * | – | 5 |
9. | – | 14 | |
TOGETHER | 30 | 30 |
NO. | COURSE | 3. semester | 4. semester |
ECTS | ECTS | ||
1. | 4 | – | |
2. | Theoretical and Clinical Concepts in Psychotherapeutic Approach | 5 | – |
3. | 4 | – | |
4. | 3 | – | |
5. | 14 | – | |
6. | Elective Subject* | – | 5 |
7. | – | 7 | |
8. | Master’s Thesis | – | 18 |
TOGETHER | 30 | 30 |
1. | 5 | |
2. | 5 | |
3. | 5 | |
4. | 5 | |
5. | 5 | |
6. | 5 | |
7. | 5 | |
8. | 5 | |
9. | 5 | |
10. | 5 | |
11. | 5 | |
12. | 5 |
** Each academic year of the School offers 3-4 elective subjects from the entire range, or the offered number of subjects depends on the number of students enrolled.
- ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
ractical training
Practical education is of great importance in the study of psychosocial counselling due to the applied orientation of the programme. SASS will organize a working or professional practice for the students of this programme. Students will come into contact with practical problems through organized and individual work.
Practical training within the postgraduate study Psychosocial counselling will take place in various forms: personal experience (individual), supervision (group), practice in psychiatric and other institutions, practice with psychotherapists of the selected psychotherapeutic approach, independent counselling with clients under the supervision in the framework of a selected psychotherapist approach.
The assessment of knowledge is part of teaching and learning process. It takes place concurrently during and after the completion of carrying out individual subjects of the study programme, which require from students regular work. Based on the assessment of knowledge, the university teachers and students will obtain regular, ongoing and quality information about how students are achieving the planned general and subject-specific competences, and on the achievement of goals of the study programme.
Curriculums of individual subjects define methods of testing and evaluation of knowledge. They are adjusted to test the achieved goals in individual subjects, anticipated achievements during the study, and development of general and subject-specific competencies. In order to ensure validity, reliability, objectivity and variety of methods of teaching and learning, the university teachers will use various methods of testing and assessment of knowledge for specific subjects, taking into account the quality of the structure and organization of knowledge.
The purpose of assessing knowledge is:
- to assess knowledge and skills of students,
- to assess output made in the context of academic work,
- by offering quality feedback on the progress and results achieved, they aim to motivate students to acquire additional knowledge and skills,
- to enable integration into continuing education, and
- to obtain data for evaluation of teaching quality.
Criteria for evaluation are based on the objectives of the study programme and anticipated achievements of students, identified in individual curriculums. Students are informed on elements of knowledge assessment and grading criteria at the beginning of the academic year as part of curriculum. A higher education teacher informs the students at the beginning of the academic year on the curriculum of a subject, study obligations, and shares held by individual components of knowledge assessment in the final assessment of the subject.
Estimated possible methods of knowledge assessment and grading are:
- colloquiums,
- oral exams,
- written exams,
- seminar papers or essays,
- oral presentations,
- practice projects or works, portfolio, journals,
- solving real problems,
- projects, peer evaluation,
- a written report on professional practice,
- graduation project.
To advance from the first to the second year, the student must acquire at least 45 ECTS from the first year. To advance from the second into the third year, the student must meet all the requirements from the first year and acquire at least 45 ECTS from the second year. The School may grant to the student promotion to the next year, even if the required conditions are not met, in the event of the following circumstances: maternity, extended illness, exceptional family or social circumstances, participation in top cultural, sports or professional events.
The status of the student shall cease if the student:
- graduates, i.e. completes the studies,
- withdraws,
- is excluded,
- during the studies does not enrol into the following year or semester,
- does not graduate from master’s study programme of the second level within 12 months after the end of the last semester; unless at the time of the study, the student repeated the year or changed the study programme or course – then his or her status shall cease at the end of the last semester.
Finishing Year, i.e. an additional year, is a term that applies to the time after the end of the last semester, when the student may retain his/her status, if he/she did not complete postgraduate studies. The student asserts the right by enrolling into another year or the Final Year. The student may use this only right after finishing the last semester, provided that:
- the student did not graduate from master’s study programme of the second level within 12 months after the end of the last semester (unless at the time of the study, the student repeated the year or changed the study programme or course; then his or her status shall cease at the end of the last semester).
After completing the study programme, Masters of Art of the programme Psychosocial Counselling are qualified, besides providing forms of psychosocial counselling to different populations, such as young people, the elderly, patients, migrants, people with mental health problems, drug addicts, the unemployed, homeless, criminals, workers and managers in enterprises and institutions…, also for independent execution of psychosocial counselling according to cognitive-behaviour modality, intended for people who find themselves in various difficult life circumstances.
- the ability to apply knowledge in practice and to use original, creative approach in problem solving in new or unusual contexts;
- ability for in-depth critical analysis, synthesis and predict solutions and consequences;
- management of research methods, procedures and processes, deepening the critical and self-critical assessment;
- autonomy in professional work;
- development of communication skills, management (cooperation, coordination, management, co-creation) of communication in an international environment, with experts in other areas;
- ethical reflection and commitment to professional ethics, acceptance of personal and social responsibility associated with the application of acquired knowledge;
- cooperation, group work (in international environment);
- the ability to use proper citation of sources and resources (Harvard method);
- the ability to connect knowledge and manage complexity which they face in their professional work;
- the ability to clearly communicate its conclusions and knowledge to professionals and the general public.
- a thorough and detailed level of understanding of the theoretical and clinical principles of his/her psychotherapeutic approach and their relationship with the general principles of psychotherapy;
- a thorough understanding of the general level of other major approaches;
- the ability of understanding and evaluation, as well as the independent application of research methods relevant for all approaches, and critical attitude to the ‘objective’ research within humanities models;
- the ability to formulate and apply the model of psychosocial assistance in accordance with their approach;
- the ability to develop hypotheses and generative, creative answers to clinical situations, and analyse psychotherapeutic interventions;
- the ability to successfully work with a group and / or co-therapist, to reflect on the efficiency of teamwork, and to make improvements on the basis of results;
- a thorough ability to use critical reflection and continuous supervision for assessing and enhancing the performance of both their work with clients and the work of others;
- the ability to take in-depth critical attitude towards his/her own approach, to assess its limits, and to compare it with other alternative approaches;
- the ability to develop created critical evaluation of the implications of the problems of culture, race, gender, sexual orientation;
- the ability to research, reflect and control their personal involvement in the processes of psychosocial counselling that are jointly created and led by them;
- the ability to autonomously use resources for learning with demonstrating management skills and integration of information;
- the ability to document and with critical reflection present one’s own clinical work to both professionals and the general public for discussion and mutual learning;
- the ability to document and analyse the supervisor’s results and their application in further psychosocial work;
- the ability to co-create solutions of clinical issues and to creatively deal with complex, unpredictable and special situations;
- the ability for successful prediction and management of consequences of achieved solutions;
- the ability to learn in terms of self-directed professional development;
- the ability to synthetize their own integration of theory, clinical practice, experiences, and challenges of the process of personal growth;
- the ability to work in teams, both of client systems, as well as experts (including experts from other disciplines);
- the possibility of autonomy in one’s professional practice;
- the awareness and expression of ethical and professional responsibility to be a consultant for psychosocial counselling, the management of implications of ethical issues and dilemmas related to specific psychotherapeutic approaches.
Conditions for completing the studies are to have completed all study obligations prescribed by the curriculum, to the extent of 120 ECTS credits.
The student who fulfils the above-mentioned SASS transition criteria to enter directly into the second year of the Master’s programme in Psychosocial Counselling, must carry out all prescribed differential exams, prescribed subjects from the first year to the extent of 31 credits, and regular academic requirements of the second year to the extent of at least 60 credits.
The studies are completed by the preparation and an oral defence of master’s thesis.