Strategic observatory for Europe 2030
Project manager at SASS: Prof. Borut Rončević, Ph.D.
Program: Erasmus+
Action: Jean Monnet Activities, Centre of Excellence
Project duration: 36 months
Project start: 1. 9. 2019
Project end: 31. 8. 2022
Project description:
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Strategic Observatory for Europe (COE SOE2030) is the central point of knowledge and competence in the field of European studies for the support and promotion of the mentioned field.
After the upcoming expiration of the Europe 2020 strategy, the European Union is facing a new strategic period that will extend to 2030. The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence will monitor the processes of design and implementation of the EU’s new strategic direction. SOE2030 will, for the first time, establish a scientific infrastructure for the collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge about the strategic processes of the European Union. Secondly, SOE2030 will act as a forum for expert discussion on the strategic development of the European Union among different publics. Thirdly, these activities will serve to upgrade the teaching of topics related to European studies.
SOE2030 will also have great practical significance. The European Union is in a turbulent period, during which it is conducting a strategic reflection on both internal development and its global role and response to geopolitical challenges. It is also necessary to emphasize the long-term implementation deficit of the European Union’s major strategies, such as the Lisbon Treaty. Even if the European Union creates increasingly high-quality tools for more effective implementation of strategies, the implementation of EU strategic documents remains an important concern. Excellent knowledge of the strategic processes of the EU is one of the key prerequisites for reducing the implementation deficit at the local, regional and European levels.