Student Mobility



The EU program Erasmus+ encourages international cooperation in the fields of education, traineeship, youth and sport, with special focus on modernisation of educational process, training and improvement of youth employment.



CEEPUS – Central European Exchange Program for University Studies, is a regional program. The aim of the program is to establish and promote the mobility of students and professors between the participating countries and to take advantage of academic connections and opportunities to design joint study programs. Higher education institutions from the following countries participate in the CEEPUS program: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia.


The international offices of partner institutions can nominate the students any time during the year by e-mail to After the nomination is accepted the student must submit the application form until the set deadline.
The application form with instructions for the application is sent by e-mail to all candidates. The application form shall be submitted by 15 June for the first semester and by 15 November for applications for the second semester.