Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Technologies in Regional and Global Development
The research program “Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Technologies in Regional and Global Development” started in 2016 in its current form, but is based on 18 years of research conducted through a variety of locally, regionally, nationally and international funded research. Members of research programme have participated in a variety of EU projects in since 6 th and 7 th Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, Transnational Cooperation Programme Southeast Europe, Danube Transnational Programme, Erasmus+ programs (Knowledge Alliance, Capacity Building in Higher Education), Jean Monnet Chair, and Jean Monnet Centers of Excellence.
The programme is exploring socio-cultural aspects of entrepreneurship, innovations, and technology transfer and dissemination. The work combines both basic research, disentangling societal and strategic mechanisms enhancing and hindering these phenomena, and applied research yielding knowledge relevant for businesses, politicians, policy-makers and the professional associations.
Research programme is employing and testing a variety of theoretical and conceptual approaches. Currently we primarily employ, firstly, social fields theory, exploring the role of institutions, social networks and cognitive frames, and secondly, Cultural Political Economy, exploring mechanisms of selectivity and evolutionary
mechanisms leading to establishment of economic imaginary. The research programs has developed a variety of tools for data collection that researchers can employ in their own research, and has collected a significant amount of primary and secondary data that is available for advanced and PhD students in their own research.
Head of the Research Programme: Prof. dr. Borut Rončević

Prof. William O’Gorman, PhD
Prof. Emilian R. Kavalski, PhD
Dolores Modic, PhD
Victor Cepoi, PhD
Andrej Raspor, PhD
Tamara Besednjak Valič, PhD
Alenka Pandiloska Jurak, PhD
Erika Džajić Uršič, PhD
Janez Kolar, PhD
Christian Gangaliuc, MA
Predrag Ljubotina, PhD
Urša Lamut, PhD