Lecturers and Assistants

Erika Džajić Uršič, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Portret Doc. dr. Erika Džajić Uršič

Cooperation:  Lecturer / Researcher 

Contact hours: By agreement

E-mail: erika.ursic@fuds.si

Research field: Industrial Economy, Industrial Symbiosis and Industrial Symbiosis Network and social informatics; The work covers a variety of research methods, with particular importance on qualitative research, data analysis, mixed methods and user experience and design (UXD).

Lecturer at subjects: 
1st level – Management of Change, Qualitative methodology
2nd level – Qualitative Research Methods in Intercultural Management, Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences

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Curriculum Vitae:

2018: Doctor of Sociology, Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica;
2011: Master of Economic Engineering, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia;
2009 graduate of economic engineering, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia.

In 2014, she began researching and studying the field of Industrial Economy, more specifically phenomena such as Industrial Symbiosis and Industrial Symbiotic Networks. Another major area of research is the computational sociology of social networks, regional development and sustainability. Since 2014, he has been conducting exercises at the FUDŠ. It deals with various research methods, with a special emphasis on qualitative research, data analysis and comparative analysis. In addition to other activities, he works in the areas of developing a joint promotional program to increase the visibility of Interreg Danube projects and services in the project area, organisation, coordination, management of joint meetings of so-called focus groups with stakeholders, participation in the implementation of regional workshops, assistance in media presentations, cooperation in planning documents. Erika D. Uršič has computer and engineering education. She gained experience in economics, accounting, sales and procurement, and academic and research spheres; she acquired negotiation, computer and analytical skills as well as knowledge and practical skills in user experience and design (UXD).

Interreg Danube Project – MELIA Observatory, High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region – Interreg Danube Transnational Program (eg acronym: InnoHPC); Designstem: integrated design + STEM education – Erasmsus + Collaboration for Innovation and the Exchange of Good PracticesStrategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training; – Boosting Innovation and Curricula Development of IT Programs in Palestine, Capacity Building in the Higher Education Field(hereinafter: the BIT-PAL project), and Online support for the preparation of project proposals (hereinafter: the S4P project), where the fields of research include research in the field of program modeling and simulations and market research through co-use of qualitative methodology.