Lecturers and Assistants
Andreja Poljanec, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Cooperation: External Lecturer
Contact hours: By agreement
E-mail: andreja.poljanec@sfu-ljubljana.si
Phone: /
Research field: attachment, relationships, sensitivity, adolescents, families, therapy, emotional intelligence, …
Lecturer at subjects:
1st level – Working with families – children with special needs, Group psychotherapy
Additional links: https://bib.cobiss.net/bibliographies/si/webBiblio/bib201_20211123_170021_a27762531.html
Curriculum Vitae:
Assistant Professor Andreja Poljanec, BAPsych, spec. in marital and family therapy, supervizor. Born on the 21st July in 1976 in Ljubljana, a married mother of five. As a young researcher she applied for a masters degree in the same field of study the next year and got granted a direct transition to the doctors study of marital and family therapy in 2008. The doctors thesis ‘Safe parenting from the perspective of relational and family theory and therapy’ was done under the mentorship of Doc Dr Katarina Kompan Erzar and she presented it in front of the Board in 2012. From 2014 she developed the project ‘Aid to young families in need’, that was co-sponsored by MDDSZ. She coordinates the Psychology study and teaches at the University of Sigmund Freud and at the School of Advanced Social Studies. She is profesional leader of the Study and Research center in Ljubljana. She is the author of many scientific and professional articles, books (Between two fires, Sensibility to children, Sensible parenting, My world, Parenting has a taste of happiness), audio and video recordings, and is an active participant in national and international conferences (Athens, Tel Aviv, Madrid, New York, Klagenfurt, Zagreb, …). Her primary research and development areas are focused on the theory of attachment, designed family relationships and the development of relaxed and sensible parenting. In 2008 she started a ‘Group for young mothers’ with Dr Katarina Kompan, alongside her associates she also started the ‘School of sensible parenting’ in 2011, group therapy with adolescents, group therapy for adults without job, … She teaches teachers, social workers, voluteers, medical health professionals etc. With her coworkers she also founded the institute ‘Study and Research Centre for the Family.