Lecturers and Assistants
Manca Koren

Cooperation: Assistant
Contact hours: By agreement
E-mail: manca.koren@fuds.si
Research field: women and mental health, history of mental health, women’s history, aleksandrinke, family relations, women’s migration
Lecturer at subjects:
1st level – Help and Cooperation in Community; Participation and Help in Community; Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Additional links: /
Curriculum Vitae:
Manca Koren continued her education after successfully completing secondary school in the Cultural History programme at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica. During her studies, she participated in numerous student projects. She participated in the project A Creative Path to Knowledge (PKP) entitled Innovative Approaches in the Treatment of Trauma, and during her studies at the Faculty of Humanities she participated in a project on Goriška educated women, which took place as part of a course taught by Professor Dr Katja Mihurko Poniž. The result of the project was presented in a booklet entitled Goriška izobraženke (Goriška Izobrazhenka), which was presented at the Goriška Library on the occasion of its publication, where she participated as a student representative in the project. She completed her studies at the Faculty in 2017 with a thesis entitled Hysteria in Slovenian Discourse until the First World War. She continued her studies at the Faculty of Theology, majoring in Marriage and Family Studies, and successfully completed her thesis entitled Family Life in the Writings of Alexandrine Felicita Koglot Peric and her husband, Franco Peric, and the Perception of Alexandrine in the Slovenian Society of the Time, with an emphatic grade. Part of the analysis is published in a book entitled Love in Letters. During her postgraduate studies, she worked on various student projects. In the academic year 2017/2018 in the project Aleksandrinke, and in 2019 in the project Coal Story: creating a new story for the transformation of the industrial use of brown coal for the purposes of tourism development in Zasavje. The results of the first project were presented through the creation of a website containing a wide range of information on the Alexandrine women, and the second project was completed in the form of an exhibition at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum. She is a young researcher at the Institute for Slovenian Emigration and Migration, ZRC SAZU and a Ph.D. student at the Graduate School of ZRC SAZU. With the Faculty of Applied Social Studies as an assistant professor in courses taught by Dr. Mikulan.