A catalog of public information SASS
1. Basic information
Name of the Institution
School of Advanced Social Studies
Gregorčičeva ulica 19
5000 Nova Gorica
Phone: 05 333 00 90
Faks: 05 333 00 91
Website: www.fuds.si
Official responsible
prof. Borut Rončević, dean
Date of the first catalog publication
15. 11. 2009
Date of the last change: 5. 10. 2019
Catalog is available at website: www.fuds.si
2. General information about the institution and the information at its disposal
The School carries out three undergraduate and four postgraduate study programmes:
Undergraduate programme in Social Management
Undergraduate programme in Psychosocial Counselling
- University study programme Social Management (BSc)
Master of Arts programme in Intercultural Management
Master of arts programme in Psychosocial Counselling
- Doctoral PhD programme in Sociology
3. List of faculty bodies
Klara Remec
Phone number: 05 333 00 90
Klara Remec
Phone number: 05 333 00 90
Contact person: doc. dr. Primož Rakovec
Tel. 05 333 00 90
Contact person: prof. Matej Makarovič
Tel. 05 333 00 90
Contact person: Petra Škabar, president od Students Council SASS
Contact: skabar.faks@gmail.com
Contact person: Klara Remec
Phone: 05 333 00 90
Contact person: Klara Remec
Telephone number: 05 333 00 90
4. List of internal organizational units
Organisational units of school are:
The Dean’s Office consists of the Dean, Vice-Deans, Secretary General, coordinators of the following organizational subunits (departments):
- Office for Student and Academic Affairs
- Marketing and PR
- Career Center
- Financial and Accounting Department
- Library
- Project office
- Information and technical affairs
The pedagogical unit consists of the following organizational subunits (departments):
- Department of Applied Social Studies
- Department of Psychotherapy
- Doctoral Department – School of Advanced Social Studies
The research unit consists of the following organizational subunits (institutes):
- Institute for Advanced Social Studies ( IASS)
- The National Institute of Psychotherapy (NIP)
5. Official responsible for providing information of a public nature:

Dean: prof. Borut Rončević
Phone: 05 333 00 90; e-mail: borut.roncevic@fuds.si
6. Acts and other legal bases
- Higher Education Act
- Professional and Scientific Titles Act
- Assessment and Recognition of Education Act
- General Administrative Procedure Act
- Educational Institutions Act
- Research and Development Act
- Public Finance Act
- Accounting Act
- the Decree on public financing of higher education and other institutions
- the Decree for the co-funding of doctoral studies
- Decree on the introduction and use of the education and training classification system
- Rules on the register of higher education institutions
- Rules on the call for enrolment and enrolment in higher education
- Rules on tuition fees and other contributions in higher education
- Rules on tuition fees and accommodation in student dormitories for Slovenian nationals without Slovenian citizenship and foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia
- Rules on the procedure for entry and deletion from the register of private higher education teachers
- Rules on Diploma Supplement
- Rules on forms, documentation, costs and keeping records in recognition and assessment of education procedures
- Rules on development activities in higher education
Internal legal acts of the school
7. Other strategic and programme documents
- SASS strategic plan
8. Types of procedures
- Procedure for enrollment in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of study
- Procedures for deciding on student applications
- Procedure for recognition of foreign education for the purpose of continuing education
- Procedure for election to a title
- Election procedure
9. List of public records managed by the institution
- Evidenca zaposlenih delavcev
- Evidenca zapisnikov o izpitu, s katerim se evidentira prijava k izpitu, potek izpita in dosežena ocena
- Evidenca izdanih javnih in drugih listin, ki jih izdaja fakulteta po zaključenem izobraževanju na fakulteti
- Evidenca osebnih kartonov študenta/udeleženca izobraževanja, ki se vodi za vsakega študenta/udeleženca izobraževanja od vključitve v študij/izobraževanje do končanja oziroma do izpisa
- Evidenca prijavljenih za vpis in vpisanih študentov
- Evidenca o plačah
- Evidenca uporabnikov knjižnice
Navedene evidence niso prosto dostopne.
10. List of other computerized databases
COBISS Platform – Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services
11. Description of the method of access to individual sets of public information
Most of the information is available through the faculty website.
The information is physically accessible every working day from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
12. A list of the most frequently requested information of a public nature
- Conditions for enrollment
- About the study and the possibilities of continuing the study
- Content of study programs
- Manner and time of enrollment in individual application deadlines
- recognition of education
- price-list of services