Sustainability Day at the School of Advanced Social Studies will take place on April 22, 2022
These days we are facing many complex challenges in the fields of economy, society and the environment. That is why the global community has adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which through 17 development goals (SDGs) represents an important vision of transforming the world to meet the needs of today’s society without reducing opportunities for future generations. At SASS / FAM we also strive to contribute to these goals through various activities, this year also with Sustainability Day.
Did you know that the population of Slovenia throws away an average of 12 kilograms of clothes a year and that almost 100 million tons of textiles end up in landfills each year?
We throw away a lot of clothes because they got too small for us, we don’t want to wear them anymore or we simply just got tired of them. Why throw away beautiful, well-preserved, maybe even unworn clothes and fashion accessories, if we can exchange them with each other?
Reuse can make an important contribution to climate change mitigation. The fastest way to move boundaries is being an example yourself, that is why we kindly invite you to the first Sustainability Day at SASS / FAM, which will be carried out within the project Obleka naredi človeka (Clothes make the man) or Dan v rabljenih oblačilih (Day in second-hand clothes).
On Friday, 22th April 2022, from 14.30 onwards, we kindly invite you to the CLOTHING SWAP, which will take place in the LECTURE ROOM 7 (4th floor) at Leskoškova 9e, 1000 Ljubljana.
According to the principle “BRING 5, TAKE 5”: Bring what you no longer wear and take what you like! Easy, right?
- You can bring up to 5 clean (washed) and well-preserved pieces of CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR or FASHIONABLE ACCESSORIES for the clothing swap, which you hand in at the reception (at the front desk of Lecture Room 7).
- Participants are asked to bring season-appropriate clothing and accessories.
- The brought pieces will be evaluated with points (more on this below in the Categories section), which will then be recorded on a special value card.
- At the event, you can choose items in the worth of these points, and show the selected items at the reception together with the value card when you leave (any unused points are not transferred to the next clothing swap).
- The items brought to the event will be taken care of by the faculty staff, who will be dressed in faculty T-shirts.
Note: The organizers of the event reserve the right not to include items that will not meet the stated standards (torn, damaged, non-functioning zipper, etc.) at the reception – this means that the items won’t be evaluated with points.
** At the event, please pay attention to your personal belongings (even the clothes you do not want to exchange) and do not leave them without your knowledge, as the organizers will not be responsible for them. **

Unified criteria are intended for better orientation and the preparation of items for the clothing swap.
- 1 point: underwear (bra, T-shirt), swimsuit, tank top, jumper T-shirt, long-sleeved shirt, pajamas, fashion accessories, a pair of shoes
- 2 points: blouse, shirt, pants, jeans, skirt, dress, sweater, pullover, cardigan, tracksuit, jacket,
- 3 points: women’s suit, men’s suit, gown, (winter) jacket, coat, trench coat, winter sports jacket/pants/overalls, other valuable sportswear, etc.
Note: We do not award points for promotional t-shirts as these are items that usually stay on the tables.
The clothing swap will end at 16.15, and it will be followed by a WORKSHOP ON CLIMATE CHANGE “Climate Fresk” at 16.30, conducted by volunteer Petra Novotna from the Institute Voluntariat.
Climate Fresk is a workshop about the causes and consequences of climate change. Through interactive activities, workshop participants will learn about the relationships between our actions and natural processes. All data used in the workshop are based on reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Workshop structure: the workshop consists of 3 parts: introduction; creative part and discussion.
Duration of the workshop: 2-3 hours.
Language: English (basic knowledge)
No prior knowledge of climate change is required.
REGISTRATION: participants must pre-register for the workshop at no later than 19th April 2022.
You are kindly invited to search through your closet and refresh your wardrobe in a more sustainable way!