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SASS awards ceremony 2021

SASS 2021 awards ceremony – “Success is the result of hard work. Man reaps it when he follows himself and his values. “

The School of Advanced Social Studies organized the awarding of titles and recognitions of the School of Advanced Social Studies this year as well. The award ceremony took place on Wednesday, June 23, 2021. Due to the current epidemiological crisis, only employees of the faculty were able to attend the award ceremony. The award-winning students received their awards by mail.

The faculty awarded recognitions to employees and external pedagogical or research associates, awards to professional associates and Gosar awards to their students and students from other faculties.

The awards were presented at the event by the dean of the faculty, full prof. Borut Roncević, Ph.D.

Recipients of awards for 2021 are:

Recognition in the field of pedagogical and scientific research work of the faculty was received by:

  • Assist. prof. Petra Kleindienst, Ph.D.

Awards in the field of pedagogical work were received by:

  • Full. prof. Dejan Jelovac, Ph.D.
  • Assist. prof. Primož Rakovec, Ph.D.
  • Assoc. prof. Andrej Raspor, Ph.D.
  • Assoc. prof. dr. Urban Kordeš, Ph.D.

Recognitions for the contribution to raising the quality in the field of professional work of the faculty were received by:

  • Matej Rožič
  • Goran Babić
  • Andreja Slejko Rojc
  • Aneja Marinič

Gosar’s award for the best diploma work in the study program Applied Social Studies in the academic year 2019/20 was received by:

  • Boštjan Žabar
  • Manca Kosmač Vrabec

Gosar’s award for the best diploma work in the study program Social Management (VS) in the academic year 2019/20 was received by:

  • Lorena Furlan
  • Niko Vidergar

Gosar’s award for the best master’s thesis in the study program Intercultural Management in the academic year 2020/21 was received by:

  • Edina Kovac Cvetko
  • Katarina Ratej

Gosar received the award for the best doctoral thesis in the study program Sociology in the academic year 2020/21

  • Janja Mikulan Kildi, Ph.D.
  • Dadiana Chiran, Ph.D.

Gosar received the award for the best diploma work of the Faculty of Media in the study program Media and Journalism in the academic year 2019/20:

· Barbara Debeljak

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck on the way forward!