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12th SSSC and 1st Slovenian Jean Monnet day

  • Post category:Notices

Invitation to the event 1st Slovenian Jean Monnet day within the 12th Slovenian Social Science Conference
„Observing Social Transformations: European Democracy and Development”

SSSC konferenca

Slovenian National Committee of the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Program and School of Advanced Social Studies, Nova Gorica, Slovenia in cooperation with Slovenian Social Science Association and ISA Junior Sociologists Network are organizing the 12th Slovenian Social Science Conference „Observing Social Transformations: European Democracy and Development” and the 1ST Slovenian Jean Monnet day.

Conference special sessions will take place on 7 December 2020, from 9:00 to 15:45, via the online platform Zoom.
Registration for the event is mandatory.

Register here.

We will be happy if you could join us.

AGENDA for the event